# deburr

# Description

转换字符串 string拉丁语 - 1 补充字母 (opens new window)拉丁语扩展字母 - A (opens new window) 为基本的拉丁字母,并且去除组合变音标记。

# Params


# Return


# Depend

import deburrLetter from './.internal/deburrLetter.js'

deburrLetter 源码分析

# Code

/** Used to match Latin Unicode letters (excluding mathematical operators). */
const reLatin = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g

/** Used to compose unicode character classes. */
const rsComboMarksRange = '\\u0300-\\u036f'
const reComboHalfMarksRange = '\\ufe20-\\ufe2f'
const rsComboSymbolsRange = '\\u20d0-\\u20ff'
const rsComboMarksExtendedRange = '\\u1ab0-\\u1aff'
const rsComboMarksSupplementRange = '\\u1dc0-\\u1dff'
const rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange + rsComboMarksExtendedRange + rsComboMarksSupplementRange

/** Used to compose unicode capture groups. */
const rsCombo = `[${rsComboRange}]`

 * Used to match [combining diacritical marks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_Diacritical_Marks) and
 * [combining diacritical marks for symbols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_Diacritical_Marks_for_Symbols).
const reComboMark = RegExp(rsCombo, 'g')

function deburr(string) {
  return string && string.replace(reLatin, deburrLetter).replace(reComboMark, '')

# Analyze

使用 string.replace 首先替换 Latin-1补编和Latin Extended-A,然后根据正则将不能转换的,替换为空字符串

# Remark

  1. 组合附加符号 Wikipedia (opens new window)
  2. Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols Wikipedia (opens new window)
  3. String.prototype.replace() MDN (opens new window) 方法返回一个由替换值(replacement)替换部分或所有的模式(pattern)匹配项后的新字符串。模式可以是一个字符串或者一个正则表达式,替换值可以是一个字符串或者一个每次匹配都要调用的回调函数。如果 pattern 是字符串,则仅替换第一个匹配项

# Example

deburr('déjà vu') // => 'deja vu'